[Lazarus] Does Lazarus support a complete Unicode Component Library?

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 17 09:11:57 CET 2011

Am 17.02.2011 07:54, schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
>> I'm afraid that due to this "compatibility" we're doomed to clone the
>> Delphi implementation whatever crappy it is :(
> If so, then I wouldn't waist any more of my time on working on the
> cpstrnew branch (which I have been doing quietly on my own). If I'm
> going to invest time in something, I would hope to make it as best I
> can, and intuitive at the same time - fixing mistake found in other
> products/languages. Simply cloning a rubbish design for the sake of
> cloning, is not why I got into programming in the first place!

I'm also trying to fix mistakes Delphi introduced - at least in mode 
Take my class helper implementation (WIP) for example:
Delphi allows "message", "virtual", "override", "published", etc, but 
all those specifiers are ignored in the end (they just can't work with 
the concept of class helpers). So I've simply forbidden them in mode objfpc.

> Hans-Peter also raised a valid point. FPC had a goal to be Delphi 7
> compatible, so that should leave use open to me inventive and learn from
> post-Delphi 7 mistake, and make FPC even better than Delphi 7+. If FPC
> just wants to be a Delphi clone, then why use FPC - just switch to the
> "real" thing [Delphi]. They'll have cross-platform support soon.

You need to have a Windows to even compile for other platforms... No, 
thank you (and the IDE might not work in Wine, because it's stuffed with 
.NET things).


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