[Lazarus] Do data modules have GTK dependencies on Linux

ik idokan at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 21:31:19 CET 2011

2011/1/18 Frank Church <vfclists at gmail.com>

> I have converted a program that uses data modules to Linux and I am sure
> tthey don't use any graphics widgets,
> but I keep getting 'error while loading shared libraries:
> libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory' when I try to run
> it on a server system without any form of graphics installed.
> Is there some way to check that no dependency on any kind of graphics
> interfaces exists in the project?

It depends on your Linux distro, but why do you depends on GTK if you do not
require any GUI support ?

> --
> Frank Church
> =======================
> http://devblog.brahmancreations.com
> --
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