[Lazarus] anchors on centos

Andrea Mauri andrea.mauri.75 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 12:02:17 CET 2011

Il 18/01/2011 18:57, zeljko ha scritto:
> This is potential problem. Minimum gtk2 version I have is 2.12. Please do
> next:
> 1.Open an issue at lazarus bug tracker.
> 2.Fill as much info as you can.
> 3.Try to create an simple example app which will crash (eg. lazarus crashes
> when opening such form) and attach it.
> To fix this I must install centos somewhere ... and it takes some time.
> And I'm still wondering why they ship 2.10 and not 2.12:(

Ok. I found the problem.
Lazarus crashes everytime I put a TFloatSpinEdit on a form.

I opened an issue at lazarus bug tracker:
Lazarus [Widgetset]
0018554: putting a TFloatSpinEdit on a form crashes Lazarus on CentOS

I added also another bug:
0018555: lazarus crashes if I click on the [...] anchors button in 
object inspector (CentOS)

I don't know if and how it is related to previous one, in the anchor 
editor there are no TFloatSpinEdit but TSpinEdit, anyway if I put a 
TSpinEdit on a form lazarus does not crash.

I hope it will be useful to solve the problem.


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