[Lazarus] [TIP]: Installing Lazarus under Linux via SVN (Ubuntu 11.04 or later)

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Thu Jun 2 20:54:56 CEST 2011

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Mattias Gaertner
<nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:
> "make bigide" compiles an IDE with lots of packages. This is used by
> the installers you find on the website too.
> It is enough to do
> make bigideclean all bigide
>> On Windows, to compile Lazarus at the first time, I use:
>> make clean all OPT="-glw2"
>> What is the correct?
> All of them.

So, for the first compilation I can use:
make clean all OPT="-glw2"

But to update Lazarus, I can use a BAT with:
make bigideclean all bigide
(in root Lazarus directory)

Is that correct?
Because I prefer compile Lazarus with a script instead use the IDE.

Marcos Douglas

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