[Lazarus] project | close project

Eduard Filipas eduard.filipas at volja.net
Wed Mar 16 12:00:48 CET 2011

S, Mattias Gaertner piše:
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 23:28:49 +0100
> Eduard Filipas<eduard.filipas at volja.net>  wrote:
>> hi im sorry..for two things..
>> first... it does not close amidietly first after chosing close project a
>> window appeirs (project wizard) and closing that window with an X(at top
>> right) closes IDE.
> Ah. Yes, closing the window is the same as choosing "Quit IDE".
> Then it is not a crash.
>> [...]
>>>> i just had to change zeos komponents within lazarus 9.31 it all went
>>>> fine just it was bit confusing because in menu Project | Close project
>>>> doesnt just closes project it also shuts down Lazarus but then again
>>>> when i restart lazarus i get the same project up again ...took me a
>>>> while to go to file close editor files...but if it would be posible it
>>>> would be nice if lazarus would stay open if we close project so then
>>>> components can be replaced...it does sound more logical to close project
>>>> rather then to close editor files.. dont know if this has been already
>>>> addressed ...just  a note :)
> I guess with "replace components" you mean install/uninstall components
> in the component palette. You don't need to close the project for that.
> It is the same as in many other IDE: Simply install/uninstall
> packages. For example via Packages / Install/Uninstall packages.
> Mattias
yes that is what i thought ..uninstal/instal..but i feel so 
uncofmortable doing that while my project is open and its having those 
components included...would it be posible to just close the project and 
have IDE open even if it is projectless so to say?
> --
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