[Lazarus] Lazarus 0.9.30 released

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Tue Mar 29 16:29:55 CEST 2011

Flávio Etrusco schrieb:
>> * The IDE can be made dockable. Install either the package
>>  AnchorDockingDsgn or EasyDockMgrDsgn.
> In my setup none of them store layout. If it's not just me, shouldn't
> the release notes make it clear this is experimental?

Just tested with the current release: EasyDockManager preserves the layout.

I only had problems with the common Lazarus configuration, that imported 
the packages from the wrong directory (trunk installation). Using --pcp 
is a must, and IMO the default config location should be the Lazarus 
directory, so that multiple installations don't conflict. When Lazarus 
doesn't install into the (write protected) Programs folder on Windows, 
it could install into Home on Linux as well.


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