[Lazarus] [OT] About licences

Kjow antispammoni at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 21:35:37 CEST 2011

2011/3/29 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>:
> With MPL and LGPL you are officially obliged to donate fixes to the relevant
> packages back. The (L)GPL with exception bit absolves you from that.

I mean only products made with software MPL/LGPL (so a redistributable
build). Everytime I found a bug I will report (or if I can fix) to
comunity, of course (this is mainly a moral thing :) ), but I don't
want to make a fork or a my own version:

I'm developing with lazarus a project, I'll try to commercialize this
project, but I can't make it open-source, at least at the beginning.

> Because they are delivered as separate packages. The GPL is only invoked on
> linking and then distributing it. IOW the one that does the final linking
> (and the subsequent distribution) takes
> on the obligations.

Perfect, I understood.

> Only if you distribute source.

And if I don't distribuite source, nothing?


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