[Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Thu May 26 22:16:35 CEST 2011

On 5/26/2011 12:35, silvioprog wrote:
> 2011/5/26 ABorka<fpc-devel at aborka.com>:
>> Try
>> instead, because that is why we did the ScriptAlias, so the calling URL is
>> simpler.
> Same error. x(
> Please, see:
> http://imagebin.org/155296

OK, here is what I did to make your downloaded project work (was not 

1. Unzipped it and moved everything to the same directories
2. Edited the project main .lpr file and changed it to
   fpFCGI, Unit1, iniwebsession {for the error message}, custfcgi {for 
the poStripContentLength};

   Application.Port := 2015; //Port the FCGI application is listening on
   Application.ProtocolOptions := Application.ProtocolOptions + 
[poStripContentLength];//on windows, without this the response can be 
cut short

Note, without the iniwebsession we just get an exception complaining 
about it (this requirement should be removed from fpweb).
Also, custfcgi is needed so we can add the protocolotions line, so on 
Windows the reply is not cut short by Apache (like error messages about 
the iniwebsession, for example).

3. in the httpd.conf
LoadModule fastcgi_module 
<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
   ScriptAlias /myfcgi "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.exe"
   <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi">
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
   FastCgiExternalServer "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.exe" -host -idle-timeout 30 -flush

4. Start apache
5. Start the test.exe application from a cmd window
6. Navigate to from my browser to see:

Note, your response generation only sends back the text "Test" instead 
of a proper web page. It should be at least something like

   Handled := True;
   AResponse.Content := '<html><body>Test</body></html>';


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