[Lazarus] Compiling lazarus in ubuntu

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue May 31 17:03:46 CEST 2011

On Tue, 31 May 2011 18:40:37 +0400
Max Vlasov <max.vlasov at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not much experienced in linux environment, mostly familiar with windows.
> Once successfully installed lazarus in ubuntu having non-limited internet
> access, but today I tried to do the same downloading and installing minimum
> deb packages  (fpc-compiler and rtl it required) and using sources of fpc
> and lazarus from another windows machine.

How did you install FPC and Lazarus. What packages did you

> The problem is that make clean all for lazarus says "Can't find unit process
> used by RegisterFCL". 

You probably have no or a wrong /etc/fpc.cfg.

> I copied the sources to tried to make clean all for
> fpc (/usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/sources) and in contrary to windows tree structure
> all output units were created as subtrees to sources (for example
> /fpc/2.4.2/source/packages/fcl-process/units/i386-linux/process.ppu) and the
> only folder inside /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/units was "rtl".
> What should I change in the config or maybe something else to solve this? As
> I understood fpc.cfg should not contain reference to source files.

Yes. Unless you only want to play a bit.

> I read documentation, great pdf file  about building, but I still miss something.


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