[Lazarus] Can't find unit LCLProc

David Emerson dle3ab at angelbase.com
Sat Nov 5 19:47:13 CET 2011

On Sat 5 Nov 2011, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Nov 2011 10:50:04 -0700
> David Emerson <dle3ab at angelbase.com> wrote:
> >[...]
> > git-svn-id: http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk@32710 
> > 4005530d-fff6-0310-9dd1-cebe43e6787f
> Maybe you should update.
> Recently a better clean up was implemented.

I did so (to 33355) and the bug persists.

> > > Have you tried Run / Clean up build files?
> > 
> > I tried that, and I can compile/run my project.
> Ok, so you probably had some bad ppu files lying around.

I guess, although I hadn't actually tried to build the whole project previously, 
and even after that "build file" is still not working, which was the original 
source of trouble.

> > However, even when that is possible, I still cannot "Build File" -- then it 
> > gives me the error again. So maybe the problem is with "Build File".
> What file do you want to compile and what are the parameters in
> "Configure build+run file"?

I want to compile the file called sarala_text.pas which uses LCLProc (for utf8 
string procs)

Even directly after building and running the project, which uses 
sarala_text.pas, I still cannot "build file" for sarala_text.pas.

One strange thing I am noticing is that the message window shows:
/Docs/fpc/saralatools/sarala_text.pas(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit LCLProc used 
by sarala_text

Although the LCLProc uses statement is not until line 12.

Configure build+run file...

tab Options: neither is checked.

tab Build:
- working directory is blank
- build command: $(CompPath) $(EdFile)
- scan for FPC messages and Make messages are both checked
- Macros: lots of stuff.....

tab Run:
- always build before run is checked
- working directory is blank
- run command: $MakeExe($(EdFile))
- Macros: lots of stuff.....

I believe all of these are the defaults, I don't believe I've ever made any 
changes here.

Thanks so much for your help, by the way!


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