[Lazarus] How do use sockets?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 12:35:12 CET 2011

On 27 November 2011 08:44, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
<felipemonteiro.carvalho at ....> wrote:
> expression integration into TLTelnet, but from what I remember
> Almindor never answered my mails.

Than is never a good sign, and clearly shows the original authors have
moved on. So it seems the LNet project needs a new maintenance crew.

> I checked Indy some time ago because there was a bounty but I was
> quite lost at how to use it, it seamed much more complex then lnet /
> synapse.

There is API help included with Delphi and Kylix. I found what I
needed from that help files without much trouble. There are plenty of
really good example projects too.

> I also disliked that from their website I got the feeling that Indy is
> just a legacy, it seams they have a new version written in C#. From my

I don't think one needs to worry too much about that. Indy has shipped
with Delphi since D7. So it is an integral part of the Delphi
component suite. So I am pretty sure Embarcadero would selvedge the
code if it comes to that. There is even discussions about porting Indy
to the FireMonkey framework. So many existing Delphi clients seem to
use the Indy components in VCL, and would like to continue that with

  - Graeme -

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