[Lazarus] Avoid automatic recompile of needed packages

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Oct 24 12:57:19 CEST 2011

On Sun, 23 Oct 2011 20:47:18 +0200
Tobias Giesen <tobias_subscriber at tgtools.com> wrote:

> > What packages? Is it Lazarus trunk built yourself from SVN?
> It recompiles the LCL whenever I switch the processor type. It is not
> necessary. I want to compile the LCL manually and never automatic.

If you mean with "processor type" the CPU (e.g. arm, i386, x86_64):
the LCL ppu files are put into different output directories for each
target cpu. So changing the target cpu does *not* trigger a recompile of
the LCL.

If you mean the target processor (e.g. pentium II, pentium IV) then a
switch triggers a recompile, because they share the same output

> Is it possible to turn automatic off or not?

Yes, open the package lcl, in the package editor click on options /
package options / ide integration / Manual compilation.


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