[Lazarus] VirtualTreeview was: TLMMouseEvent now lacks "state"

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Thu Oct 27 13:58:20 CEST 2011

On 27/10/2011 06:30, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Alexander Klenin<klenin at gmail.com>  wrote:
> I'd like something really portable and as compatible as much as 
> possible with TTreeView.

As being portable i cant agree more. The way to go is remove missing 
DelphiCompat dependency. Is there a tool that detect only what 
procedures are being used from a unit? So we can list the remaining 
DelphiCompat dependency

As being compatible to TTreeView i have my doubts, they are different 
beasts. VTV has a different paradigma and that is that makes useful.


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