[Lazarus] Brazilian Lazarus Translation

marcelo.bp marcelo.bp at netsite.com.br
Sat Oct 29 20:18:47 CEST 2011

Be a professional? Do things like SCRUM or XP.
Don´t loose your time saying that you are professional and the others are 
Want to be professional, cooperate with de difusion of this tool. Take 
classes and
teach the children a great language.

We live in a democracy. You have the right to have your opinion. And i have 
right to disagree of it. But please, don´t take your opinion as "the 



-----Mensagem Original----- 
From: silvioprog
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 1:33 PM
To: Lazarus mailing list
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Brazilian Lazarus Translation

2011/10/29 Antônio <antoniog12345 at gmail.com>:
>> Which ones?
>> The layout should be adapted.
> Well, I could say that we try to adapt ourselves to the layout.
> Antônio

Here in Brazil, I indicate Lazarus only in English language. My
argument is: be professional, don't use a tool with adapted language!

Silvio Clécio
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