[Lazarus] Error while compiling resources

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Apr 16 17:51:06 CEST 2012

Dave Coventry <dgcoventry at gmail.com> hat am 16. April 2012 um 17:06 geschrieben:

> I tried to take my project across to Windows and compile it there as
> my Linux Lazarus intall is borked, but I kept getting the above error
> whenever I tried to compile.
> Google suggest that this is because of {$IFDEF WINDOWS}{$R
> lclimager.rc}{$ENDIF} however none of the incarnations of my Project
> uses that directive.

Any $R directive requires the resource compiler fpcres.

> When I created a new project it compiled fine... until I saved it,
> after which the error occurred, even in a simple app with a blank
> form.
> I'm running Lazarus r35940 FPC 2.6.0 i386-win32-win32/win64
> on XP in a Virtualbox VM.

Check if fpcres is in your PATH.

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