[Lazarus] Inno Setup no longer supports Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 10:43:55 CEST 2012


On 2 August 2012 18:38, Reinier Olislagers <reinierolislagers at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ehmm.. I'm trying to contain myself, but WHY does Lazarus 1 and 1+ even
> support Win9x/ME anymore?

Because not everybody feels the need to "fix" what isn't broken. Why
must we always pay the Microsoft-tax simply because Microsoft thinks
there latest crapware is better that the previous one - and we all
know that isn't always true (Vista anyone?).

> Speaking for myself, after submitting a patch, I really don't want to be
> told that Win9x/ME does things differently and that I should correct my
> patch to incorporate support.

Welcome to the world of programmers. If my clients still run Windows
98, I can't force them to pay a fortune to Microsoft for a new OS, and
force them to upgrade all there PC's because the latest OS doesn't run
on a Win98 spec'ed PC.

And to answer your earlier question, our clients put together has over
2000+ PC's still running Win98. Would you like to tell them they must
all instantly upgrade (and pay a fortune) when those systems still run
perfectly for there purpose?

Asking Microsoft, they will obviously tell you NOBODY is still using
Win95 or Win98 - but in reality it is quite different.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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