[Lazarus] GTK2: Drag files to other applications (to the file manager, Thunar, Nautilus, etc)

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 21 07:43:22 CEST 2012

Am 21.08.2012 06:28 schrieb "Hans-Peter Diettrich" <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com>:
> Bernd schrieb:
>> The widgetset *is* the platform! (at least as far as file dragging is
>> concerned, no need to access any other API)
> This is not correct, because dragging is not restricted to work only
between controls of the same widgetset.

And these widgetset specific APIs normally provide the capability to copy
and paste to/from applications written in a different widgetset, because
the widgetsets themselves do already use the underlying protocols.

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