[Lazarus] Intel/AMD 64bit LINUX: beta tester for PascalScript / EditorMacro

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Dec 8 19:11:01 CET 2012

Ok, I added testcases for PascalScript component directory.
The scope is currently ONLY what is or may be needed for EditorMacros.

Several test fail on 64 bit (at least win 64 bit)
One is due to rogue memory access (-gh will detect the corruption). On 
windows this is near impossible to track.

So I would like to see, if valgrind can get somewhere. Only I have no 
access to any 64 bit system with valgrind.

The test in question is
ignore the others.

It would be great, if some one can valgrind that, ad see, if anything 
useful comes out of that.


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