[Lazarus] toolbar and toolbutton issues

William Oliveira Ferreira bdexterholland at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 03:34:26 CET 2012

Sorry, I was talking about TToolbar's.AutoSize....

2012/12/5 waldo kitty <wkitty42 at windstream.net>

> On 12/5/2012 16:56, William Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
>> Weird, ToolBar.Height should make the toolbar bigger, without change
>> button
>> height (if autosize is false)...
> which autosize? the one for the toolbar or the one for the buttons?
>  2012/12/5 Graeme Geldenhuys <graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
>> <mailto:graeme at geldenhuys.co.**uk <graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk>>>
>>     On 2012-12-05 18:41, William de Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
>>      >
>>      > Graeme, could you try this?
>>      > begin
>>      >    ToolBar1.ButtonHeight := 36;
>>      >    ToolBar1.ButtonWidth  := 36;
>>     Ah, I see the problem now. I was trying to set the ToolButton.Height &
>>     .Width property using the Object Inspector. Apparently that is not
>>     possible. You are supposed to set the Toolbar.ButtonHeight &
>>     .ButtonWidth, then the buttons change sizes.
>>     So why does the TToolButton class have publish properties .Height and
>>     .Width in Object Inspector when you can't do anything with them. In
>> that
>>     case, remove those properties from the Object Inspector, or clearly
>> show
>>     them as read-only!
>>     Another not-so-intuitive design.
>>     MSEgui is infinitely more complicated to use in general, yet I figured
>>     out how to setup a toolbar faster in MSEide & MSEgui, than I did in
>>     Lazarus with LCL. No offence meant to the Martin (MSEgui developer),
>> but
>>     that should say something to the LCL developers.
>>     Anyway, thanks William for getting me onto the right track.
> --
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William de Oliveira Ferreira
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