[Lazarus] Custom Controls package cannot be found

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 10:01:09 CET 2012

On 22 February 2012 19:08, Marcos Douglas wrote:
> Use 'make distclean' in Lazarus directory;

Oh God, yet another 'make clean' option!!! How many "clean" options
does the Lazarus project have??

Anyway, I don't think it is going to make much of a difference now -
seeing that I removed the outdated compiled units already.

But while you are here... What is the difference between all the "make
clean..." options, and how many "clean" options do we really have?
Does Lazarus really need them all? Can't we just have a single 'make
clean' that really does the job as the name suggests?

Good news for those using the Git mirror repository. I just found out
that git has a "really clean" option.

    git clean -d -x -f

  -d   Delete untracked directories too
  -x   Do not use the git ignore file rules
  -f    Force a "yes to all" to remove all untracked files.

Here is that command in a "dry-run" mode:

[lazarus (graemeg)]$ git clean -d -x -f -n
Would remove lazarus
Would remove startlazarus
Would remove svndiff
Would remove components/cgi/
Would remove components/chmhelp/lhelp/lhelp.or
Would remove components/chmhelp/lhelp/ppas.sh
Would remove components/chmhelp/packages/help/lib/
Would remove components/chmhelp/packages/idehelp/lib/
Would remove components/customdrawn/lib/
Would remove components/datadict/lib/
Would remove components/dbexport/lib/
Would remove components/editortoolbar/languages/edttbconfigfrm.po
Would remove components/editortoolbar/lib/
Would remove components/externhelp/lib/
Would remove components/filebrowser/lib/
Would remove components/fpcunit/console/lib/
Would remove components/instantfpc/lib/
Would remove components/leakview/lib/
Would remove components/printers/design/lib/
Would remove components/projecttemplates/lib/
Would remove components/sdf/lib/
Would remove components/tachart/lib/
Would remove components/tdbf/lib/
Would remove components/todolist/lib/
Would remove components/turbopower_ipro/design/lib/
Would remove debugger/fpdebug/fpd/fpd.ico
Would remove debugger/fpdebug/fpd/fpd.lpi
Would remove debugger/fpdebug/fpd/fpd.res
Would remove debugger/test/Gdbmi/TestApps/lib/
Would remove debugger/test/Gdbmi/TestGdbmi
Would remove debugger/test/Gdbmi/TestGdbmi.res
Would remove debugger/test/Gdbmi/lib/
Would remove docs/html/build_txt.sh
Would remove docs/html/lcl.inf
Would remove examples/dragimagelist/project1
Would remove examples/dragimagelist/project1.or
Would remove examples/dropfiles/dropfiles
Would remove examples/dropfiles/dropfiles.or
Would remove lcl/Controls_lcl.pas
Would remove lcl/interfaces/fpgui/corelib
Would remove lcl/interfaces/fpgui/fpgui_listing.txt
Would remove lcl/interfaces/fpgui/gui
Would remove lcl/languages/fpg_constants.po
Would remove lcl/units/
Would remove lib/
Would remove testgit
Would remove testgit.lpi
Would remove testgit.lpr
Would remove tools/debugserver/debugserver
Would remove tools/debugserver/debugserver.exe
Would remove tools/debugserver/debugserver.or
Would remove tools/jsonviewer/go.sh
Would remove tools/jsonviewer/jsonviewer
Would remove tools/libpsvn2revisioninc.a
Would remove tools/revision.inc
Would remove tools/updatepofiles

After this I searched the lazarus directory structure. There are NO
executables, compiled units or other temp files lying around. The
lazarus directory is now in a pristine state.  I guess I'll use the
'git clean' command from now onwards.

Maybe if the makefile "clean" is not sufficient enough (or technically
limited in some way), the lazarus developers should implement a 'git
clean' style tool for the Lazarus project. Or does SVN already have a
similar command to git-clean?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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