[Lazarus] Help needed building a small dictionary application

Alexander Klenin klenin at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 13:16:22 CET 2012

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 04:28, J.A. de Vries <hdv.jadev at gmail.com> wrote:
> However I am beginning to feel the itch again and would like to pick up where
> I left. On top of that I'd also like to give some students of mine a simple
> dictionary application for company specific vocabulary. So I thought to combine
> both and build it myself. It seemed like a good way to get myself reacquainted
> with Pascal and in this case Lazarus. I still think it will be, but I am
> getting soacked up in work again and there's a need for the application before
> March.

I also use Lazarus for teaching introductory software development course for
the first-year students, and one of the assignments do involve working
with database.
While it is obviously different in specifics from what you want, you
can perhaps use it
as the base for your course.
Here is a sample of completed student's work from the last year:

The interface is in Russian only, but you can get surprisingly good results
by copy-pasting .lfm files into Google Translate ;-)
The software is a school schedule editor using Firebird as DBMS.
It covers a good number of topics including data entery, filtering, sortng,
references and referential integrity, MDI, woring with grids,
elementary OLTP/OLAP distinction, etc.

Alexander S. Klenin

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