[Lazarus] TTabControl has problem with storing/retreving objects

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Mon Jan 23 19:32:04 CET 2012

Donald R. Ziesig schrieb:

> procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> begin
>   Inc(N);
>   TabControl1.Tabs.AddObject(IntToStr(N),TObject(N));
> end;
> procedure TForm1.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject);
> var
>   I : Integer;
> begin
>   I := TabControl1.TabIndex;
>   Label1.Caption := IntToStr(Integer(TabControl1.Tabs.Objects[I]));
> end;

AFAIR the Tabs.Objects property is implemented differently from Delphi, 
i.e. the LCL doesn't support it at all :-(

Chances for an fix are low, because the LCL TabControl is based on the 
gtk implementation, that differs widely from the Win32 ComCtrls 

> P.S.  I have tried to find the LCL code and debug the library myself but 
> I must be missing something in my searches.  Some pointers in that area 
> would also be appreciated.

Controls have their high-level interface in the LCLBase package, e.g. 
"class TTabControl" in lcl\ComCtrls.pp, and their associated widget in 
e.g. lcl\interfaces\win32\win32wscomctrls.pp.


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