[Lazarus] toolbar buttons (Windows vs GTK2)

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Thu May 10 10:40:52 CEST 2012

On Thursday 10 of May 2012 09:16:15 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi,
> Why are the toolbar buttons so butt ugly under GTK2, but pretty and
> anti-aliased under Windows? Is applies to all toolbar buttons in Lazarus
> IDE.
> See attached screenshot of how the Watches dialog looks under Windows
> vs GTK2. Both screenshots are from Lazarus (trunk) executables.
> It should be pretty obvious what I mean, if you compare the two
> images...eg: under GTK2 you can't even tell what the images are for
> the "enable all" and "disable all" functions.
> Is this a bug, or is there something I didn't enable when I built my
> GTK2 Lazarus IDE?

It's known gtk2-gtk2lcl problem ... there's issue about it somewhere at 
Maybe drawing of image in gtk2lcl needs additional params.

> ps:
> I don't know if Lazarus with LCL-Qt under Linux are any better - I never
> tested.

Just try it :) I'm using it for real production on linux,win32 and macosx and 
haven't spotted such problems.


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