[Lazarus] usability: please not focus the messages window, only bring to front

michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Mon May 21 17:42:54 CEST 2012

On Mon, 21 May 2012, zeljko wrote:

> On Monday 21 of May 2012 17:02:49 michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 May 2012, zeljko wrote:
>>> On Monday 21 of May 2012 16:41:34 michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 21 May 2012, Bernd wrote:
>>>>> 2012/5/21 Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de>:
>>>>>> Have you checked the options?
>>>>>> There is an option, that if set will focus the message window.
>>>>>> Options / Desctop
>>>>> See my original message. It tried both. It does not do what the option
>>>>> says in both cases (checked or unchecked)
>>>> In my experience, focus handling of the IDE on linux is seriously messed
>>>> up. It has never worked decently. I spend a lot of time looking for all
>>>> the various IDE windows :/ (and that's on a Kubuntu, not Xubuntu)
>>> Kubuntu ? Have you tried focus stealing prevention on/off ?
>> Never tried. But now I set it to 'off'.
>> At first sight, it does not change anything.
>> I expect that if I activate the main Lazarus window, that all other windows
>> are also activated. This is not so (although I'm not sure it is supposed to
>> happen in Lazarus ?).
> Are you joking ? If you activate main lazarus window then only active window
> is lazarus main window. There's no chance to have 2 active windows of same
> application at the same time (we'll it is if TCustomForm.Active says that it's
> active but really it isn't).

I should have been more careful in my wording:

I don't want the others to be active (I know only one window can be active), 
but I do want them to be raised over non-lazarus windows.

I have typically one or more terminals, a browser and a VMWare open besides
I can raise the main lazarus window, but then I must still go and look for other
IDE windows. By automatically raising these when the main window becomes
active, this would reduce my search time :-)

(I already started working with 1 terminal with many tabs, just to reduce
the number of open windows on my desktop)

>> In each case, when compiling, the messages window is neither raised nor
>> focused.
> Qt and gtk2 raises active window and they will not focus anything explicitly.
> If LCL says please focus that control, then control will be focused.BUT if you
> focus message window (eg. by mouse click) and next time when it's raised it's
> possible that it'll grab focus, but again because of lcl I guess.

The original question was about raising/focusing the messages window when
compiling. On my PC neither happens, so the value of the abovementioned 
checkbox in the settings dialog becomes meaningless ?


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