[Lazarus] How do you install Lazarus on Debian?

Chavoux Luyt chavoux at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 22:49:30 CET 2012

Hi Howard

On 8 November 2012 21:49, Howard Lee Harkness <howard.lee.harkness at gmail.com
> wrote:

> I was not able to find the deb files. How do you download them? When I did
> a search for "lazarus install on debian", I got a list of installation
> instructions for everything except Debian -- and directions for doing a
> source checkout and build.
> BTW, I missed the part about needing to configure fpc and fpc-packages
> before doing the make. After an apt-get install fpc, make appears to be
> running just fine in the lazarus directory. Now to figure out how to start
> it up...

The instructions for Ubuntu found
work pretty much the same for Debian (i.e. download from
sourceforge). Also note that for the latest version it seems that there are
no longer so many small .deb files, but IIRC just the fpc, fpc-source and
lazarus packages.

A better way IMHO (but a bit more long-winded) is to create a local debs
directory (I have mine in my home directory) to which you download all .deb
files, then create a line "deb file:/path/to/local/directory/debs ./" in
your /etc/apt/sources.list file.
As root run the following commands in the debs directory (I put them
together in an executable script):
"ls *deb > override
dpkg-scanpackages . ./override | gzip -c -9 > Packages.gz"

Then run aptitude update or apt-get update (or do update from Synaptic) and
the local .deb packages should be visible in your package manager to be
installed as usual. I must warn you though, that Ubuntu .deb packages don't
always work on Debian (e.g. because some dependencies are just not
available), but at least for lazarus and fpc it worked without problems. I
also could not get the
"deb http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus/ lazarus-stable universe" to work
in my sources.list file (or the available version was way to old).

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