[Lazarus] ODBC-problems

Koenraad Lelong lazarus1 at de-brouwerij.be
Tue Nov 20 15:06:41 CET 2012

On 20-11-12 12:35, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
> On 20-11-2012 12:23, Koenraad Lelong wrote:
>> On 20-11-12 12:13, Koenraad Lelong wrote:
>>> In Win7 64 bit only the system DSN of Firebird works.
>> Sorry, should be user DSN works, system DSN does not work.
> As you're using 32 bit Lazarus, just to be sure:
> please confirm the DSNs you are using are defined in the 32 bit ODBC
> control panel (using 32 bit Firebird ODBC drivers), not the 64 bit ones...
> That error message seems to indicate some bitness mismatch between
> application<>ODBC<>ODBC driver


All the drivers are 64bit. I tried to install Firebird 32 bit but that 
seems not to work, I don't see a Firebird driver when I try to make a 
DSN. Maybe that's because I installed the 64-bit Firebird drivers ?
Also Pervasive can't install 32-bit ODBC drivers.

Well, I'll have to get a 32bit machine somehow (more exact : 
Windows-license for the machine).

Thanks for your help.

Koenraad Lelong

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