[Lazarus] SQL select problem

Eric Kom erickom at metropolitancollege.co.za
Tue Nov 20 15:11:20 CET 2012

On 20/11/2012 15:20, Luk Vandelaer wrote:
> You don't leave the while loop when you found the correct user.
Thanks again Luk,
> For each record there will be a showstring call processed.
> It should be something like:
> var found: boolean;
> ....
>        found := false;
>        while not SQLQueryMySQL.EOF and not found do begin
>           //Retrieved data fields and assigned to a string variables
>           retUsername := SQLQueryMySQL.Fields[0].AsString;
>           retPassword := SQLQueryMySQL.Fields[1].AsString;
>           found :=  (getUsername = retUsername) AND
>              (getPasswordHash = retPassword);
>           SQLQueryMySQL.Next;
>          end;
>        if found then begin
>              retFullname := SQLQueryMySQL.Fields[2].AsString;
>              ShowString('Retrieving information for: ' + retUsername);
>              StatusBarLogin.Update;
>              sleep(2000);
>              ShowString('Connected to server as: ' + retUsername +
> 		', known as ' + retFullname);
>        end
>        else
>              ShowString('Failed to connect using: ' + getUsername);
By putting the retFullname := SQLQueryMySQL.Fields[2].AsString; 
statement after the SQLQueryMySQL.Next; statement,  this last statement 
makes  the  field fullname to jump to the next row, by selecting a wrong 
fullname for the credentials on check.

anyway thanks again for your debugging.
> Luk
> --
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Kind Regards

Eric Kom

System Administrator - Metropolitan College
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2 Hennie Van Till, White River, 1240
Tel: 013 750 2255 | Fax: 013 750 0105 | Cell: 078 879 1334
erickom at kom.za.net | erickom at metropolitancollege.co.za
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