[Lazarus] Synchronize scrollposition of two stringgrids

Rimmert Ooink lazarus at ooink.net
Tue Oct 16 08:55:46 CEST 2012

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Jesus Reyes <jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx> wrote:

> >Does anybody have an idea how to change the scrollposition of a
> stringgrid depending on the scrollpos of the other?
> sg1.LeftCol := sg2.LeftCol;
> sg1.TopRow:=sg2.TopRow;
> That would give you row/col size granularity. For pixel granularity,
> without messing with grids internals, could be done using GetScrollInfo for
> both scrollbars on source grid and using SetScrollInfo for both scrollbars
> on target grid. Not tried but should work :)
> LeftCol works like described.

I also want to try the Get/SetScrollInfo, but I noted it is defined in
winapih, does that mean its Windows only?
Ifso, i'll stick with using Leftcol.

(The program will be used on Mac and Win, but i dont have a mac machine

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