[Lazarus] TAChart transparency implementation questions

Alexander Klenin klenin at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 19:35:33 CEST 2012

This is a re-post of
where I report on newly added transparency support in TAChart
and ask some questions.

I suspect that most of people who could answer do not read the forum,
so questions are copied below. Apologies to those who already read it.

1) Transparency support for the canvas drawer is quite a hack: see source.
  Is there a better way? (I think not, but maybe I missed something).
Is it portable enough?
2) Is there a way to support transparency at the TFPCustomCanvas
level? (Again, I think not)
3) Are there any plans for transparency support in FPVectorial?
4) Does anyone have any idea about possibility to support transparency
on printer canvas?

Alexander S. Klenin

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