[Lazarus] Configuration location on Windows

Lubos Pintes pintes at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 07:27:36 CEST 2013

This is more complicated. A report would be "please implement 
accessibility on Windows".
I am interested about it and am playing with possibilities. I will be 
"spamming" here about it soon.
I already reviewed commits and a part of code that tries to implement 
accessibility in general (TLazAccessibleObject etc.)

Dňa 2. 4. 2013 23:03 Bart wrote / napísal(a):
> On 4/2/13, Lubos Pintes <pintes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ... Because Lazarus under
>> Windows has serious accessibility problems, I need to manually alter
>> some settings like unit search paths etc. The dialogs are unusable due
>> to unnamed items (TLabel is inaccessible).
> Did you report this in the bugtracker?
> Any suggestion how it can be fixed?
> Bart
> --
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