[Lazarus] Hints for Android

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Apr 11 17:08:38 CEST 2013

On 2013-04-11 12:35, Santiago A. wrote:
> I'm trying to start my first program in Android, due I am a pascal guy
> :-) , I will try it with lazarus and windows.

I'm about to embark in the Android world too - never done it before.
I'll take a look at the FPC support, but I might just take the road more
well known, and brush up on my Java skills.

Also, do you know if one needs to pay Google to develop and publish
Android apps... eg: like the $99 per year per developer for iOS and Apps
Store privileges?

I also had a look at Ubuntu Phone OS on my Nexus 4 today. I was very
disappointed in that. For the amount of hype Canonical has raised, they
seem to have done very little. 95% of what you see in the current
developer preview of Ubuntu Phone is pure mock-ups. And the Facebook and
Gmail "apps", is simply the web browser taking you to the respective
websites. Some keyboard keys don't work (no comma, no capitals etc), not
even the calculator apps is functional! Canonical still needs a lot more
"real" work (not mock-ups), before anybody is going to take Ubuntu Phone

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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