[Lazarus] Beyond Compare 4 built with Lazarus 1.2

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sun Dec 29 01:06:33 CET 2013

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 2:06 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys
<graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi Marcos,

Hi Graeme,

> I do agree a Unicode enabled RTL is required, but just curious...
> On 2013-12-28 13:51, Marcos Douglas wrote:
>> 1. How can I make programs on Windows using FPC and Lazarus without
>> problems with Unicode stuff?
> What problems would those be?

I talked about in thread "SysToUTF8/UTF8ToSys".
It's a pain to code a huge system, with many packages on Windows,
because I always have to think about what encoding to use depending on
which part of the code (eg: RTL is AnsiString, LCL is UTF-8, Synapse
is AnsiString, some own packages are AnsiString too, two are UTF-8,

> I've implemented UTF-8 methods in fpGUI that wrap some RTL methods -
> similar I believe to what LCL does. Granted my Unicode needs are not
> that great, but I have had users of 8 different languages test Unicode
> support. It all worked well, or at least it was easy for me to fix any
> issues that cropped up in the tests.

Using fpGUI do you need to thinking about the encode or do you use UTF-8 at all?
You need to use functions, at all over code, like SysToUTF8?

I'm thinking get out this thread -- and others about "how the FPC team
will implement the Unicode" -- because this is not worth.
If I can help FPC or Lazarus team, I will. If not, well, I will be
make my own "RTL" coding to not suffer (much) in the future.

Marcos Douglas

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