[Lazarus] Ok I give up!

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 15:25:20 CET 2013

On 5-3-2013 15:08, appjaws wrote:
> On 05/03/13 12:50, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
> <snip>
>>> Is F1 the only way to access the integrated help?
>> Yep. Do note that you need to put the cursor on a keyword (e.g. begin,
>> or for or while...).
> Maaaaaaaybe I have the wrong expectations with regard to the Help system.
> If I press F1 with begin clicked I do get the help viewer - I've never
> done this before.
> I was working on the assumption that if the cursor was over a component
> on the tool bar and them F1 was pressed I would see help about that
> component.
I agree, see this bug that I posted:
No context-sensitive help for control on form

> So question How do I obtain help on a component?
Place your cursor on a component name (e.g. TIBConnection for a Firebird
conection) *in the source code editor* after e.g. dropping the component
on a form.

Things like TIBConnection, grids and probably a lot more are included in
the help file - just not accessible via F1 if you have a component
selected on the form.

Apart from that, there's a lot of information on the wiki, e.g. the
LazActivex component is nicely documented there.
> Sorry for all the confusion, I told you that it was probably me being
> silly and not understanding the basics.
No problem - glad we worked it out in the end (though I'm still a bit
curious about these lhelped permissions for root)

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