[Lazarus] XanaNews port to Lazarus

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Mar 7 00:26:50 CET 2013

On 2013-03-06 19:20, Misha Padalka wrote:
> Auto-marking messages as read is configurable, it's just default setting  
> to mark them manually.

My preference is other way round. And if I want to return to a message
later, I normally "tag" the message. Most email and news clients worth
using supports tags like 'personal','todo','important',etc. Opera
actually does tagging very nicely.

> Little offtopic, but maybe I'm missing something interesting in NNTP?
> Are there some live topics about FreePascal/Lazarus/etc?

Not to rehash an age old argument, but I much prefer NNTP over Mailing
Lists or Web Forums. Anyway, I host/manage my own NNTP Server for
projects I closely work on. eg: tiOPF, fpGUI, FPTest. I also follow
other newsgroups like Embarcadero, NexusDB, Open Watcom etc.

On a side note:
 If anybody has an open source project they work on, but is in need of a
discussion / support infrastructure for that project, I am more than
will to host a newsgroup for you for free. Just send me an email.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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