[Lazarus] The future of desktop

Andrew Brunner atbrunner at aurawin.com
Sat Nov 30 14:24:03 CET 2013

On 11/30/2013 02:08 AM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> How MSEifi-remote works: -

That's not how it *should* be done.  Any logic code that can be executed 
should be executed by way of the client.  If you use HTTPS as the 
transport mechanism, you can assume code is secure and just execute it.

The more server off-loading the better.  Data submission is important 
and validation should be done on the client side with some framework 
safety checks before posting transactional data to the backend-database.

I don't think Lazarus should follow this particular mantra.

Andrew Brunner

Aurawin LLC

Aurawin is a great new way to store, share and enjoy your photos, videos, music, and more.

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