[Lazarus] MS Word via LazActiveX

Roland Turcan konf at rotursoft.sk
Mon Sep 2 16:06:59 CEST 2013

Hello Lazarus mailing list!

This test case proves, that no one event is called when it should.

  WD := TWordDocument.Create(nil);
  WD.OnNew_ := @DoWordDocumentNew;
  WD.OnOpen := @DoWordDocumentOpen;
  WD.OnClose := @DoWordDocumentClose;
  WD.OleServer.Application.Visible := True;
  WD.OleServer.Application.Selection.TypeText('via WordDoc');

I  have  imported  Word 2003 (8.3) over up-to-date LazActiveX from SVN
and Lazarus 1.0.10.

I  have also tried some events on TWordApplication where some work and
some not.

What could it be?

Best regards, TRoland

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