[Lazarus] Scrollbars in SynEdit

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Sep 13 22:08:50 CEST 2013

On 13/09/2013 20:44, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Using Lazarus 1.0, I notice that if a SynEdit has ssAutoBoth set it 
> appears to have a permanent horizontal scrollbar as though the width 
> is set to around 256 characters. Is this a bug, or a feature that I 
> can disable?

its config

Options [eoScrollPastEOL]
or set

So you need to trigger an update (change size, or change scrollbar 
setting, as changing the above does not update the visibility of the 
scrollbar immediately (that is a bug)

with eoScrollPastEOL, the editor assumes a minimom of MaxLeftChar to be 
scrollable. If there is a longer line, then the longer line will take over.

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