[Lazarus] Remote debugger looses connection to target on Windows 7

Bernd Mueller mueller.b at gmx.net
Thu Apr 10 19:04:36 CEST 2014

Martin Frb wrote:
> On 10/04/2014 15:06, Bernd Mueller wrote:
>> Martin Frb wrote:
>>> gdbserver seems to have some options to track problems, maybe try them?
>>>> Options:
>>>>   --debug               Enable general debugging output.
>> This is very strange. If I activate --debug, then everything seems to 
>> work. As if slowing down the target (by printing all the debug 
>> messages in its console) is helping somehow with the communication.
> Odd, that makes it even more look like a gdb bug.
> Though, I am not sure it is communication, it might be timing on the 
> local interaction between gdb and the debuggee.

If I use the standalone gdb on the Win7 Host instead of Lazarus, 
debugging on the remote target works correct.

I had a look into the network traffic between target and host while 
debugging with Lazarus. If the stepping fails, one can see that the 
target is sending its breakpoint replay packet "+$Txxxx" which seems to 
be ignored completely by the host.

If the stepping does not fail, the host acknowledges this packet with 
"+" and starts to read memory from the target via the "$mxxxx" Packet.

I am trying to go more into detail...

Regards, Bernd.

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