[Lazarus] how to debug from virtualbox

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.nl
Tue Apr 29 11:40:29 CEST 2014

FreeMan wrote:
>> How are we supposed to do that with only this little piece of code?
>> E.g. what is GRD_ ?
> Apologize, I was forget,
> GRD_ is TRxDBGrid. TNotify event is OnEnter and OnExit events. This
> events not modified by rx, comes from TCustomDBGrid->....TWinControl
> And not just onenter event
> OnEnter
>    GRD_.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
> onExit
>    GRD_.BorderStyle := bsNone;
> On windows, trigger it self, when click on grid and onenter event
> triggered onexit then onenter?? this been start endless loop. In linux
> everythink is normal

Changing control layout within a control event is tricky since this may 
trigger a control recreation. This may fire some events.


>> I do so on my Linux VM without any problem whatsoever.
> Thank you Bart, I was wrote its work on linux. What is your linux info?
> x64? kde gnome  etc
> And I know can clone vdi from vbox, but I have not enough space on my
> disk, If I can find free space my first job will backup my sistem and
> upgrade my kubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 lts
> I was looking for just maybe I didn't see can make remote debug :) just
> try my chance. Martin message in my bookmark I'll try it, if I finish my
> todo list :S
> Than you for all answers
> --
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