[Lazarus] Pasdoc - how to force UTF-8?

Alexsander Rosa alexsander.rosa at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 18:24:48 CET 2014

In the end I modified PASDOC:
I've added a br.utf8 option (and changed the old br to br.1252).
How do I submit this patch? Does anyone here knows them?
Their mailing list has no messages since Nov '13.

2014-02-12 14:30 GMT-02:00 Alexsander Rosa <alexsander.rosa at gmail.com>:

> How can I force the encoding of the HTML files to be UTF-8?
> Pasdoc tries to be smart and decides the encoding based on language.
> My code is UTF-8 but no language I can read uses UTF-8 on pasdoc.
> --
> Atenciosamente,
> Alexsander da Rosa

Alexsander da Rosa
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