[Lazarus] how to TXMLPropStorage SaveToStream() LoadFromStream

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Thu Jul 3 12:26:46 CEST 2014

I add my test project.

03-07-2014 11:34 tarihinde, Virgo Pärna yazdı:
>      At which line that error occured?
>      TXMLConfig does not seem to have SaveToStream method. Which class has this method?
TmyCustomXMLPropStorage(XMP).XMLConfig.SaveToStream(st);//error is hear 
XMLConfig is NIL !!!

if you use, ctrl + left click can see function and procedure .

My plan was use this component in my project, just add storedvalues, 
savetostream and sent this data via tcp client to server. I can use 
tstringlist but I have to write parse code
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