[Lazarus] Resource strings and newline

Péter Gábor ptrg at freemail.hu
Thu Jun 19 07:07:53 CEST 2014

I asked about different LineEndigs because of the resourcestrings which
are written by developers working on different operating systems.
They may put different LineEnding in resourcestrings if they don't use
the LineEnding constant, but writing #13#10 or #10 or #13 as it is usual
on their system. In this case the compiler on an other system may not
accept the hardcoded line ending as it is wished by the developer.

If the string 'Linux#10is great!' will be compiled on Linux it will
become 'Linux \n is great!' but when compiling on windows it will not
have the \n in it.

If the string is written like this: 'Linux'+LineEnding+' great!' will be
compiled on both systems to 'Linux \n is great!'

Using #10 instead of +LineEnding+ is faster so I think a lot of
developers will use this to insert new line marker in their strings.

2014-06-18 19:56 keltezéssel, Sven Barth írta:
> Am 18.06.2014 18:32 schrieb "Péter Gábor" <ptrg at freemail.hu
> <mailto:ptrg at freemail.hu>>:
>> 2014-06-18 09:44 keltezéssel, Mattias Gaertner írta:
>> > In the old days special characters were not converted properly.
>> >
>> > I just tested:
>> >
>> > 'A'#10'BC' is converted to
>> > msgid ""
>> > "A\n"
>> > "BC\n"
>> >
>> > Note the new line behind BC. When this is fixed, I can adapt the 'Make
>> > resourcestring dialog'.
>> >
>> > Also all line breaks (#10, #13, #13#10) are converted to \n and on
>> > loading to the system line break. That's ok for all strings
>> > passed to the LCL, but all other must be checked manually.
>> >
>> > Mattias
>> What is about that all systems has its own LineEnding?
>> eg.: a single #10 or a single #13 is not marking EOL on windows, #13 is
>> not marking EOL on Linux, etc.
> \n is automatically converted using the LineEnding variable when the
> PO-reader parses it. So you are only out of luck if you want a
> resourcestring that should contain e.g. #13#10 on e.g. a Linux system.
> Regards,
> Sven

Péter Gábor
ptrg at freemail.hu

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