[Lazarus] Lazarus Wiki

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Wed Mar 19 20:31:00 CET 2014

On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 07:15:29AM +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> > Ditto. Never the right speed, and really badly crossreferenced :-)
> When one's feeling contemplative, the last thing one wants is to be 
> accosted by jazz or techno; and Google /still/ haven't worked out how to 
> recognise/index/translate every word and gesture in a video.
> On the other hand, when explaining a user interface some sort of 
> animated media can be useful.

Certainly, for general designer principles video is fine. But I already saw
that one Delphi video, so I don't need any others :-)

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