[Lazarus] OI Checkboxes

Vojtěch Čihák vojtech.cihak at atlas.cz
Tue Nov 25 11:45:42 CET 2014

This is not Linux-Qt related, this is Oxygen related. Other themes work OK. Hardcoding 1 or 2 pixels is IMO not good idea, it may cause troubles elsewhere.
I tested ThemeServices.GetDetailSize and it gives the same output for tbCheckBoxCheckedDisabled, tbCheckBoxCheckedNormal and tbCheckBoxCheckedHot (or ..Unchecked... variants).

This code:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var aDetail: TThemedElementDetails;
 aRect: TRect;
 aSize: TSize;
 aRect:=Rect(5, 5, 5+aSize.cx, 5+aSize.cy);
 writeln('Inactive ', aSize.cy);
 ThemeServices.DrawElement(Image1.Canvas.Handle, aDetail, aRect);
 aRect:=Rect(25, 5, 25+aSize.cx, 5+aSize.cy);
 writeln('Focused ', aSize.cy);
 ThemeServices.DrawElement(Image1.Canvas.Handle, aDetail, aRect);

gives output

Inactive 21
Focused 21

and paint checkboxes (see attachment).

However, I didn't see code of OICheckBoxes, so I cannot say where is problem.

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