[Lazarus] External tools keyboard shortcuts mess

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Sat Oct 4 10:56:42 CEST 2014

I've noticed that changing the IDE language my keyboard shortcuts for 
external tools disappear.

A little investigations has revealed that shortcuts for external tools 
are stored in the configuration file and recovered with the localized 
name. Therefore, changing the language they're not found.

That's what looks like my editoroptions.xml file section, after 
switching from English to Italian, and back, redefining some shortcuts 
in the process:

>         <ExternalToolCount Value="3"/>
>         <Item1 Name="External tool 0">
>           <KeyA Default="False" Key1="112" Shift1="2"/>
>         </Item1>
>         <Item2 Name="External tool 1">
>           <KeyA Default="False" Key1="115" Shift1="2"/>
>         </Item2>
>         <Item3 Name="Strumento esterno 0">
>           <KeyA Default="False" Key1="112" Shift1="2"/>
>         </Item3>
>         <Item4 Name="Strumento esterno 1">
>           <KeyA Default="False" Key1="115" Shift1="2"/>
>         </Item4>
>         <Item5 Name="Strumento esterno 2">
>           <KeyA Default="False" Key1="117" Shift1="2"/>
>         </Item5>

("Strumento esterno" is the Italian localized for "External tool")
A count of 3 with 5 items appears to me a bit messy.
In my simpleminded point of view, using in the configuration the non 
localized name would get rid of this mess.

Is there a good reason which escapes me, or should I file the issue in 
the bugtracer?


Giuliano Colla

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