[Lazarus] Pochecker (was Fuzzy traslations ignored)

Maxim Ganetsky ganmax at narod.ru
Wed Oct 8 01:24:14 CEST 2014

01.10.2014 23:09, Bart пишет:
> On 9/24/14, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'ḿ now planning on
>> - extent the PoCheckerSettings
>> - implement some mechanism (listbox probably) to access recently
>> opened master/child po-files
>> - implement searching an entire directory for all po's (listing them
>> in one of the lisboxes)
> Finally done in r46394.
> There will be bugs, so please hunt them.

These changes are very useful, thanks.

Some comments:

Isn't two listboxes and two pairs of Clear/Unselect buttons too much? It 
is not clear why listbox with master .po files is needed at all?

I think that one treeview (showing master .po files and their children) 
will look much better and will allow to avoid interface clutter.

Also I would like to have an option to check arbitrary number of 
selected .po files at once, not just one (useful e.g. to check/show 
statistics for all files of particular language). I think that with this 
feature implemented we shouldn't need "Find all translated PO files" 
checkbox anymore.

Best regards,
  Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:ganmax at narod.ru

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