[Lazarus] Cannot compile EpikTimer

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sat Sep 6 09:14:21 CEST 2014

On Saturday 06/09/2014 at 00:38, Marco van de Voort  wrote:
> I committed it, since the patch itself was ok. Maybe it should have 
> been
> attempted to come to one implementation for free/open/net in bsd.pas 
> though.

I was thinking of that too afterwards. Though I don't have access to 
Open/NetBSD systems, so not sure how compatible it is with FreeBSD.

> What I was hinting above maybe the sysutils code should use 
> not MONOTONIC on FreeBSD. Granularity worsens, but performnace 
> improves.
> It depends on what the sysutils routine is supposed to favor.

Ah, I see what you mean.  I'll look into this and do a few more tests.

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