[Lazarus] Fuzzy translations ignored

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Sun Sep 7 17:05:25 CEST 2014

Il 07/09/2014 15:45, Bart ha scritto:
> On 9/7/14, Giuliano Colla <giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it> wrote:
>> Done:
>> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=26685
> Thanks.
> In r46150 I refactored the statistics routine, the stats are now shown
> at the very end of testing, in semi-graphical way.
> The results are available after the tests have run, so it should be
> possible to show them from a button on the log-form.
> TPoFamilies now has a property PoFamilyStats of type TPoFamilyStats.
> This holds all the relevant data after running the tests.
> I will need help thoug with the creation of the new graphical summary
> (it should be a new form IMO).
> I suck at graphics.

I can take care of that part. I can reuse portions of the code of a 
custom component I have developed in the past.
That's the beauty of open source: each one can contribute with his 
experiences to fill the picture!

I was thinking of a button "Show Thumbnails" which may open a form with 
po state thumbnails.

> The graphical summary form should also not depend on components that
> are not available in a minimal IDE (built with "make clean all"), but
> that is just a requirement to make my life (as maintainer of this
> component) easier.

My code descends directly from TGraphicControl, so no worries on this side.

Now a question. Looking into the code of the kde thing (no use to 
reinvent the wheel), i found that it provides *four* categories: 
Translated, Untranslated, Fuzzy, and *Obsolete*. I've never met that 
Obsolete thing before. Did you? Is it of some use for us?


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