[Lazarus] TComboBox.DropDownCount has no effect.

Michael Thompson mike.cornflake at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 20:59:10 CEST 2015

On 5 April 2015 at 06:04, Donald Ziesig <donald at ziesig.org> wrote:

> Additionally, in the FormCreate event, try setting ComboBox1.DropDownCount
> to something less than the number of Items.  The new value is totally
> ignored.
> I am using Lazarus 1.4RC2 with no modifications on Linux Mint 17.

You haven't stated widgetset, but I'm guessing GTK2

If so, good news: you're doing nothing wrong.

Bad news:

My memory (not what it was...) also says that in the Object Inspector there
is a note to this affect when you click on DropDownCount.   Oh, I've just
double checked.  UI has changed since I last looked, but select select
TComboBox, then switch to the "Restricted" tab of the Object Inspector.
You'll see various OS icons on the different properties.  They are the
widgetsets that property doesn't work on.

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