[Lazarus] New menu designer

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Wed Dec 23 18:04:27 CET 2015

On 23.12.2015 17:52, Dmitry Boyarintsev wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Ondrej Pokorny <lazarus at kluug.net 
> <mailto:lazarus at kluug.net>> wrote:
>     For the sake of backwards&Delphi compatibility the other way round
>     would be more appropriate, IMO:
>     fsAppStayOnTop - stay on top of all windows within the application
>     fsStayOnTop - stay on top of all windows within system. (current
>     behavior)
> Backwards?
> fsStayOnTop and fsSystemStayOnTop  has been in Lazarus for quite awhile.
> Changing the behavior will make it backwards incompatible.
> I don't really see fsAppStayOnTop in delphi VCL either.
> http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Seattle/en/Vcl.Forms.TForm.FormStyle

Sorry, I didn't really take a look into the Lazarus sources and expected 
fsStayOnTop in Lazarus behave the same as in Delphi, because LCL should 
be VCL compatible.

 From Delphi's documentation:

/fsStayOnTop This form remains on top of the desktop and of other forms 
in the project, except any others that also have FormStyle set to 
fsStayOnTop. If one fsStayOnTop form launches another, neither form will 
consistently remain on top./

So it means that Lazarus' LCL and Delphi's VCL fsStayOnTop are not 
compatible, which I don't really understand why this decision was made. 
(Maybe some historic reason I am not aware of [?])

 From my point-of-view, it would be a better decision to have 
fsStayOnTop that behaves equally with Delphi (system-wide) and another 
stay-on-top type application-wide just as I suggested before.

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